
Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 1, 2025

CCHA member meeting presenter

If you’re looking to make a difference in your community, we’d love to have you join us at CCHA Orleans.

We meet monthly on the first Tuesday of the month from September through June at the Federated Church of Orleans, 162 Main St. Orleans, MA. and plan fundraising events in support of Cape Cod Hospital. We are currently working towards fulfilling a $1M pledge for Cancer Services. It’s not all work though, we also have social events throughout the year, both formal and informal gatherings.

If you would like to donate toward our pledge, please send a check made payable to ‘CCHA-ORLEANS’ to CCHA-ORLEANS Pledge PO Box 412, East Orleans, MA 02643 or donate online using button below.

Become a member


Please download the membership form below and fill out your information, including your interest area. Annual dues are $25.00. Mail the form and a check, payable to CCHA Orleans to:

CCHA Orleans Membership
PO Box 412
East Orleans, MA 02643

NEW MEMBERS: You should receive a “Welcome Email” from the membership committee within 10 days of the receipt of your payment.
CURRENT MEMBERS: For those members renewing their dues, please check the current roster and if your information has NOT changed, you only need to fill in your name and interest area and send along with your dues to the address above.
QUESTIONS? Email us at

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